Sanctified One
(Complete Champion variant, p. 99)
The cleric, the paladin, the priest, and the holy warrior—all these are classic divine hero archetypes. Whatever differences they may have, all divine heroes owe their power to deities or to their faith and devote themselves to the service of powers beyond the mortal plane.
But not all deities have paladins as their martial champions, or clerics as their most iconic servants. In some cases, the sanctified one fills both roles.
Base Attack Bonus: +5
Alignment: Must match that of deity chosen.
Skills: Knowledge (religion) 6 ranks
Special: Must complete a sanctification ritual performed by a priest or other authority of the chosen deity's church.
Hit die
Skill points
2 + Int
Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: If you are not already proficient with the chosen weapon of your deity, you gain that proficiency now. You gain no other armor or weapon proficiencies.
Spellcasting: At 2nd and 4th level, you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable) as if you had also gained a level in a spell casting class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If you had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a sanctified one, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining spells per day, caster level, and spells known.
Additional Class Skills (Ex): Upon becoming a sanctified one, you gain the additional class skills specified for your deity in the accompanying table.
Sanctified Ability: At 1st, 3rd, and 5th level, you can choose a sanctified ability corresponding to your deity from the accompanying table. Sanctified abilities can be extraordinary, spell-like, or supernatural, as designated in their individual descriptions. If a sanctified ability is followed by an asterisk (*), you can select it as many times as you wish. Each time you choose it, the number of times per day that you can use that ability increases by one.
Sanctified Blessing: At 5th level, you receive a sanctified blessing based on your deity's powers and portfolio, as given on the accompanying table.
Sanctified One Abilities
The abilities to which you have access as a sanctified one are summarized on the accompanying table and described below, in the order they appear on the table.
Deity | Additional Class Skills | Sanctified Abilities | Sanctified Blessing |
Ehlonna (NG) | Knowledge (nature), Search, Survival | Light of Life*, nature's bounty, nature's holding, summon nature's mount* | Fast healing 5 |
Kord (CG) | Climb, Jump, Knowledge (dungeoneering) | Chaos warp*, holy fire, luck of battle*, sanctified strength* | Blessing of Kord |
Olidammara (CN) | Appraise, Knowledge (dungeoneering), Move Silently | Chaos luck*, good catch, not in the face*, rogues' blessing | Fast talk |
Wee Jas (LN) | Decipher Script, Knowledge (arcana), Spellcraft | Armor of law, death's cloak*, sanctified fall, sanctified spell* | Ruby spell |
Ehlonna: As a sanctified one of Ehlonna, you gain abilities relating to light, life, and nature.
Light of Life (Su): Once per day as a standard action, you can call upon Ehlonna's light to create a consecrated area. This effect works like the consecrate spell, except that the effect is mobile and centered upon you. In addition, you are treated as an altar of Ehlonna for the purpose of determining the bonuses granted. This effect lasts for 10 minutes.
Nature's Bounty (Sp): Once per day, you can use "heroes' feast":/spells/players-handbook-v35—6/heroes-feast—2400/ (caster level equals 6 + your sanctified one level). Instead of producing tables and chairs, however, this ability produces blankets and pallets more suited to an outdoor setting.
Nature's Holding (Sp): Once per day, by touching a plant or a natural earth or stone surface, you create an opening to an extradimensional space similar to that created by a rope trick spell. When you and your allies enter this space and close the "door," no evidence of the opening exists on the outside. The space remains for 12 hours or until the last creature exits, whichever comes first.
Summon Nature's Mount (Sp): Once per day as a swift action, you can summon either a unicorn or a griffon (your choice) to serve as your mount. For each sanctified one level you possess, the creature gains 2 Hit Dice and a +2 sacred bonus to its AC. The mount is immune to fear effects, and it remains for 1 hour or until slain. You gain a +5 bonus on Ride checks while riding this creature.
Fast Healing (Su): Once per day as an immediate action, you can gain fast healing 5, which lasts for 10 rounds.
Kord: As a sanctified one of Kord, you gain abilities relating to strength and chaos.
Chaos Warp (Su): Once per day, you can completely ignore all damage from one critical hit scored against you, as well as any effects relating to it.
Holy Fire (Su): Whenever you cast a spell with the fire subtype, you can choose to change all the fire damage it deals into raw divine damage that is treated as good-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. This choice must be made at the time of casting.
Luck of Battle (Ex): Once per day, you can choose to roll twice for any roll normally requiring 1d20 and use the higher of the two results.
Sanctified Strength (Su): Once per day, you can apply twice your sanctified one level as a sacred bonus to your Strength for 1 round.
Blessing of Kord (Su): At dawn every day, you can choose one of the following blessings of Kord, which lasts for 24 hours: +2 bonus to Strength, +2 luck bonus on all saves, or +10-foot bonus to speed. You cannot change this blessing until the next day.
Olidammara: As a sanctified one of Olidammara, you gain abilities relating to luck and stealth.
Chaos Luck (Su): Once per day as an immediate action, you can grant yourself and each of your allies within 30 feet the evasion ability for 1 round. Any recipient of this benefit who already has evasion gains improved evasion instead. Any recipient who already has improved evasion gains no further benefit.
Good Catch (Ex): Whenever you make a Disable Device check, you can choose to roll a second time before learning the result of your check. If you do so, you must use the result of your second attempt.
Not in the Face (Ex): Once per day as an immediate action, you can apply your base Reflex save as a bonus to your Armor Class for 1 minute. Whenever you are denied your Dexterity bonus, you lose this bonus as well.
Rogues' Blessing (Su): If you have the sneak attack ability, you gain an extra 1d8 points of sneak attack damage for every two sanctified one levels you possess.
Fast Talk (Sp): Once per combat encounter, you can make a Diplomacy check as an immediate action to prevent an enemy within 10 feet from attacking you. The foe must be attempting an attack against you at the time you use this ability. If your Diplomacy check result exceeds your opponent's Sense Motive check result by at least 1 for every 3 points of base attack bonus the enemy character possesses, he decides not to attack you (or anyone else) this round. In subsequent rounds, he attacks you only if you attack him first or are the only opponent within sight. If your Diplomacy check fails, the opponent attacks normally, and you cannot use this ability again during this combat encounter.
Wee Jas: As a sanctified one of Wee Jas, you gain abilities relating to death, law, and spellcasting.
Armor of Law (Su): If you have an armor bonus (permanent or temporary), it increases by an amount equal to your class level. If you have no armor bonus, you can increase your shield bonus instead. If you have neither, you gain no benefit.
Death's Cloak (Su): Once per day as a swift action, you can render yourself immune to poison, magic sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, and death effects for 1 minute.
Sanctified Fall (Su): If you are reduced to —1 or fewer hit points, or even killed outright by a death effect, you can use an immediate action to either cast a spell or make a single attack. For this action only, you can increase your either your effective caster level or your bonus on attack rolls (your decision) by an amount equal to your sanctified one level.
Sanctified Spell (Ex): Once per day, you can increase your effective caster level by an amount equal to your Intelligence bonus (if any) for 1 round.
Ruby Spell (Sp): Choose a spell that you can cast from the highest level to which you have access. You can now use this spell as a spell-like ability once per day. Doing so requires no material components, unless those components have a gold piece cost equal to 100 gp or more. You can also still cast this spell normally as part of your normal spell repertoire. Each time you gain a new spellcasting level, you can either retain this spell as a spell-like ability or choose a different one from the highest level you can cast.
The following affiliation details are designed for sanctified ones of Kord. If you are playing a sanctified one dedicated to a different deity, use what follows as a model, but change the specifics where appropriate.
Criterion | Affiliation Score Modifier |
One-Time | |
Character level | 1/2 levels |
Strength 13 or higher | +1 |
Has the Athletic feat | +1 |
Has the endurance feat | +1 |
Has a Strength penalty | -2 x penalty |
Multiple Use | |
Wins an athletic competition | +1/4 opponent's CR |
Completes a mission or adventure requiring great Strength or stamina (scaling a mountain, swimming a channel, or the like) | +4 |
Refuses a personal challenge | -1 |
Is defeated in an athletic competition | -2 |
Rank | Affiliation Score | Titles: Benefits and Duites |
0 | 3 or lower | None. |
1 | 4-10 | Supplicant: Entitled to living quarters, healing, and training. You must serve or guard the church for at least 60 days each year (see below). |
2 | 11—20 | Competitor: Gain a +2 bonus on Strength checks and Strength-based skill checks. |
3 | 21—29 | Master: Gain a +2 bonus on opposed checks made to resolve grapple, trip, and overrun attempts. |
4 | 30 or higher | Paragon: Use greater heroism (self only) as a spell-like ability once per day (caster level equals your character level). |
Though you have no separate organization, you are entitled to a variety of benefits based on your service to your deity and church. If you have a rank of 1 or higher, you can live in a barracks attached to a temple of Kord if you wish. If you do so, you have access to the attached gymnasiums as well (see the Kord entry in Deities and Demigods).
Supplicant: At this rank, you can stay in the guest quarters at any temple to Kord for as long as you wish. In addition, you receive free healing for any injury you suffer in Kord's service. If you are injured while acting on your own, you can receive one free 3rd-level or lower cure spell each day. If you choose these benefits, you also must serve the church for at least 60 days each year, guarding a temple or other church property, training other champions, or undertaking quests. Your days of service need not be continuous.
Competitor: By the time you attain this rank, you have achieved a degree of renown among worshipers of your deity. Because you are regularly called upon to perform missions for your church, you gain a +2 bonus on Strength checks and Strength-based skill checks.
Master: Your increasing focus on combat in the name of Kord has earned you a +2 bonus on opposed checks to resolve grapple, trip, and overrun attempts.
Paragon: As the representative of Kord on earth, you are entitled to use greater heroism as a spell-like ability once per day (caster level equals your character level). This ability is usable on yourself only.
Level | BAB | Fort | Ref | Will | Special | Spellcasting |
1st | +0 | +2 | +2 | +2 | Additional class skills, sanctified ability | — |
2nd | +1 | +3 | +3 | +3 | — | +1 level of existing spellcasting class |
3rd | +2 | +3 | +3 | +3 | Sanctified ability | — |
4th | +3 | +4 | +4 | +4 | — | +1 level of existing spellcasting class |
5th | +3 | +4 | +4 | +4 | Sanctified blessing, sanctified ability | — |
Class skills
Skill name | Key ability | Trained only | Armor check penalty |
Concentration | CON | ![]() |
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Diplomacy | CHA | ![]() |
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Intimidate | CHA | ![]() |
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Knowledge (religion) | INT | ![]() |
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Perform | CHA | ![]() |
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Sense Motive | WIS | ![]() |
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