

(Frostburn variant, p. 65)

The primeval is a warrior who has tapped into his racial memories to find and forge a bond with an ancient creature.


Base Attack Bonus: +8

Alignment: Any nonlawful

Skills: Handle Animal 5 ranks , Knowledge (nature) 5 ranks Survival 5 ranks

Feats: Endurance , Self-Sufficient Toughness

Hit die


Skill points

2 + Int

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Primevals gain no proficiency with weapons, armor, or shields. (They are proficient with their natural weapons while in primeval form, though.)

Primeval Form (Su): The primary ability of the primeval is the supernatural ability to assume an alternate form. This functions similarly to the druid's wild shape ability, except the alternate form chosen must be selected when the character takes his first level of primeval and cannot be changed after that. Each time the character changes form with this ability, he assumes the same form. At 1st level, he may change shape into his primeval form once per day. He can use this ability one additional time each day at 4th level, 7th level, and again at 10th level. This ability functions like the polymorph spell, except as noted here. It lasts for 1 minute per primeval level, or until he changes back. Changing form (into either form) is a standard action and doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity. The primeval does not assume the animal's physical ability scores. Instead, he adds the animal's ability score —10 (for even scores) or —11 (for odd scores) to his own ability scores. For example, a primeval with a Strength score of 16 who assumes the form of a dire lion (Strength 25) adds +14 to his normal Strength of 16 to determine his Strength score in his primeval form. Remember, items that enhance the character's ability scores may be rendered inoperative by his change in form. The primeval loses his ability to speak while in primeval form because he is limited to the sounds that the form can make naturally. The primeval form chosen must be a prehistoric animal of some sort (dinosaur, dire animal, or other creature approved by the DM). The primeval form chosen must have no more than 8 HD and cannot be more than one size category larger than the primeval (so a Small character is limited to Medium animals or smaller, and a Medium character is limited to Large or smaller animals). The primeval form can be from any terrain familiar to the character. Appropriate primeval forms for a frostfell environment from the Monster Manual and this book include the dire lion, dire wolf, dire wolverine, and megaloceros. If the primeval has the wild shape ability from other class levels, he may use wild shape to assume his primeval form. He cannot use his primeval form ability to wild shape, however.

Animal Empathy (Ex): In any form, the primeval can communicate with animals of his chosen primeval form (or related types). For example, a primeval whose primeval form is a dire wolf may communicate with wolves and dire wolves. He gains a +4 bonus on charisma-based checks against animals of his chosen primeval form and related animals.

Regression (Su): As a primeval gains levels, he begins to physically regress into a more primal, feral version of himself. At 2nd level, the primeval reduces his Intelligence and Charisma scores by 1 point (to a minimum of 3) and gains 1 point of Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Wisdom. At 5th level, he repeats his regression, losing an additional point of Intelligence and Charisma, and gaining an additional point to the rest of his ability scores. At 8th level, the primeval regresses again, losing a third point of Intelligence and Charisma but gaining a third point to the rest of his ability scores.

Low-Light Vision (Ex): In any form, the primeval gains low-light vision at 2nd level. He can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions. If the primeval already has racial low-light vision, he can instead see four times as far as a human.

Feral Power (Ex): As the primeval gains levels, his primeval form grows stronger and tougher, as shown below:

Primeval Class Level
Characteristic 3rd 6th 9th
Strength +2 +4 +6
Dexterity +2 +2 +2
Constitution +2 +4 +4
Natural armor +2 +4 +8

These bonuses are not cumulative. For example, a 6th-level primeval whose primeval form is a dire lion has Str 29, Dex 17, Con 21, and a natural armor bonus of +8, instead of Str 25, Dex 15, Con 17, and natural armor +4.

Scent (Ex): At 5th level, the primeval form gains the scent special quality in any form.

Fast Movement (Ex): As he grows closer to his animal spirit, the primeval becomes quicker in his humanoid form. At 8th level, his base land speed improves by 10 feet. This benefit does not apply if the primeval is wearing heavy armor or carrying a heavy load.

Primeval Shapechanger (Su): The primeval unites with his animal spirit at 10th level. His type changes to magical beast (shapechanger), which means that he is no longer subject to spells that affect humanoids. In addition, he gains damage reduction 10/magic in any form. His natural attacks (but not weapon attacks) overcome damage reduction as if they were magic weapons.


Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1st +1 +2 +0 +0 Primeval form 1/day, animal empathy
2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 Regression 1, low-light vision
3rd +3 +3 +1 +1 Feral power
4th +4 +4 +1 +1 Primeval form 2/day
5th +5 +4 +1 +1 Regression 2, scent
6th +6 +5 +2 +2 Feral power 2
7th +7 +5 +2 +2 Primeval form 3/day
8th +8 +6 +2 +2 Regression 3, fast movement
9th +9 +6 +3 +3 Feral power 3
10th +10 +7 +3 +3 Primeval form 4/day, primeval shapechanger

Class skills

Skill name Key ability Trained only Armor check penalty
Climb STR no yes
Concentration CON no no
Handle Animal CHA yes no
Intimidate CHA no no
Jump STR no yes
Knowledge (nature) INT yes no
Listen WIS no no
Spot WIS no no
Survival WIS no no
Swim STR no yes

Spells for Primeval