Thayan Gladiator
(Champions of Ruin variant, p. 63)
Popular and skillful gladiators fill the arenas of Faerûn from Calimshan to the Dragon Coast, but the brutal Thayan gladiators are the best of the best.
Base Attack Bonus: +5
Alignment: Any evil
Feats: Toughness , Weapon Focus (natural weapon)
Special: Must possess at least one natural weapon, Must undergo a ritual developed by the Zulkir of Transmutation that grants the class its abilities.
Hit die
Skill points
2 + Int
Class Features
Improved Natural Attack: When you enter this class, choose one of your natural weapons to gain the benefits of the Improved Natural Attack feat. The natural weapon you choose is affected by the rest of the abilities you gain through advancing in this class.
Study Opponent (Ex): You prefer to circle your opponents before engaging them in melee, searching them for weaknesses and noting the way their bodies move. You can study any opponent within 30 feet as a standard action for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1 round). For each round you study, you gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls and AC during the round that you first engage them in melee combat.
Improved Critical: At 2nd level, your improved natural attack gains the benefit of the Improved Critical feat.
Natural Armor: Beginning at 2nd level, your natural armor improves by 1 point to help you withstand the awesome blows of your gladiatorial opponents. At 5th and 8th levels, your natural armor improves by an additional point.
Stunning Critical (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, any time you make a successful critical hit with your chosen natural weapon, your enemy must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 15 + your Str modifier) or be stunned for 1 round.
Silver Strike (Ex): At 3rd level, attacks from your chosen natural weapon overcome damage reduction as if they were silvered weapons.
Natural Weapon Focus (Ex): At 4th level, you gain the ability to make an additional strike at a —5 penalty with your chosen natural weapon when you use a full attack action.
Imbue Natural Weapon (Su): At 5th level, your chosen natural weapon gains a special ability as if it were a magic weapon. Choose one special ability from the following list and apply it to your natural weapon(s): flaming, frost, ghost touch, shock, or thundering.
At 10th level, the ritual you underwent upon becoming a Thayan gladiator grants you a final power from the following list to apply to your chosen natural weapon: anarchic 1, axiomatic 1, disruption, flaming burst, icy burst, shocking burst, speed 2, unholy, or wounding.
1 In order to choose anarchic or axiomatic, the Thayan gladiator's alignmentmust match the appropriate ability (the character must be chaotic to choose anarchic or lawful to choose axiomatic).
2 The effect of the speed ability stacks with the additional attack gained from the natural weapon focus ability (see above).
Adamantine Strike (Ex): At 6th level, attacks from your chosen natural weapon overcome damage reduction as if they were adamantine weapons.
Savage Strike (Ex): At 7th level, the critical multiplier for your chosen natural weapon increases by one. Thus, if you had a critical multiplier of ×2, it would become ×3; if it was already ×3, it becomes ×4.
Natural Weapon Mastery (Ex): Starting at 8th level, the extra attack you gain from natural weapon focus is at your highest base attack bonus.
Magic Strike (Ex): At 9th level and higher, attacks from your chosen natural weapon overcome damage reduction as if they were magic weapons.
Level | BAB | Fort | Ref | Will | Special |
1st | +1 | +2 | +0 | +0 | Improved natural attack, study opponent |
2nd | +2 | +3 | +0 | +0 | Improved critical, natural armor +1 |
3rd | +3 | +3 | +1 | +1 | Stunning critical, silver strike |
4th | +4 | +4 | +1 | +1 | Natural weapon focus |
5th | +5 | +4 | +1 | +1 | Imbue natural weapon, natural armor +2 |
6th | +6 | +5 | +2 | +2 | Adamantine strike |
7th | +7 | +5 | +2 | +2 | Savage strike |
8th | +8 | +6 | +2 | +2 | Natural armor +3, natural weapon mastery |
9th | +9 | +6 | +3 | +3 | Magic strike |
10th | +10 | +7 | +3 | +3 | Imbue natural weapon |
Class skills
Skill name | Key ability | Trained only | Armor check penalty |
Bluff | CHA | ||
Climb | STR | ||
Intimidate | CHA | ||
Jump | STR | ||
Sense Motive | WIS | ||
Spot | WIS |