Feat name | Short description | Rulebook |
Weapon Group (Slings and Thrown Weapon | You understand how to use slings and handheld thrown weapons. | Unearthed Arcana |
Weapon Group (Spears and Lances) | You understand how to use spears and javelins. | Unearthed Arcana |
Weapon Specialization | Choose one type of weapon, such as greataxe, for which ... | Player's Handbook v.3.5 |
Weapon Supremacy | You are a grandmaster in the use of your chosen ... | Player's Handbook II |
Whip Climber | You can use a whip as a grappling hook. | Complete Scoundrel |
Whirling Steel Strike | Through monastic weapon training, you have mastered a fi ghting ... | Eberron Campaign Setting |
Whirlwind Attack | You can strike nearby opponents in an amazing, spinning attack. | Player's Handbook v.3.5 |
Whirlwind Tail Sweep | You can sweep your tail in a circular arc. | Draconomicon |
Whispered Secrets | You revere the Maimed Lord and have devoted your miserable, ... | Races of Destiny |
White Dragon Lineage | Your veins run with the savage blood of white dragons, ... | Dragon Magic |
White Raven Defense | The White Raven discipline has taught you to shine as ... | Tome of Battle: The Book of Nine Swords |
White Scorpion Strike | Your fists and feet sting like the dread white scorpion ... | Races of Eberron |
Widen Aura of Courage | Your aura of courage is wider than normal. | Epic Level Handbook |
Widen Aura of Despair | Your aura of despair is wider than normal. | Epic Level Handbook |
Widen Power | You can increase the area of your powers. | Expanded Psionics Handbook |
Widen Spell | You can increase the area of your spells. | Magic of Faerun |
Widen Spell | You can increase the area of your spells. | Player's Handbook v.3.5 |
Widen Spell | The deity can increase the area of its spells. | Deities and Demigods |
Widen Spell | You can increase the area of your spells. | Tome and Blood: A Guidebook to Wizards and Sorcerers |
Widen Supernatural Ability | You can increase the area of your supernatural abilities. | Tome of Magic |