Warning: This is 3.0 Edition material. It is possible that there is more recent 3.5 Edition version.

Empower Turning

( Defenders of the Faith: A Guidebook to Clerics and Paladins, p. 20)


You can turn or rebuke more undead with a single turning attempt.


Extra Turning (PH) , Ability to turn or rebuke undead, Charisma 13+,


You can turn or rebuke more undead than usual, but have a harder time affecting undead with a larger number of Hit Dice. If you take a -2 penalty on your turning check roll, you can add +2d6 to your turning damage roll.

Also appears in

  1. Complete Divine
  2. Faiths & Pantheons
  3. Libris Mortis: The Book of the Dead
  4. Ghostwalk