
Improved Rapidstrike

( Draconomicon, p. 70)


You can make multiple attacks with a natural weapon.


Rapidstrike (Dr) , DEX 9, Base attack bonus +15, aberration, dragon, elemental, magical beast, or plant type, one or more pairs of natural weapons,


If you have a pair of natural weapons, such as two claws, two wings, or two slams, you can make two or more extra attacks with one of those weapons, the first at a —5 penalty and the second and subsequent attacks at an additional —5, but never more than four extra attacks. Creatures with multiple limbs qualify for this feat as well, so a creature with three arms and three claw attacks qualifies for this feat.


You can take this feat once for each pair of natural weapons you have. For example, a Large true dragon has one bite, two claws, two wings, and one tail attacks. The dragon can take this feat twice, once for its claws and once for its wings.


Without this feat, you attack once with each natural weapon.