Guided Spell
( Dragon Compendium)[Metamagic]
Your spells zero in on a specific target.
Only those spells delivered by a ranged touch attack can be guided. Choose a target within range before casting a guided spell. A guided spell ignores anything up to total cover and full concealment as it moves over, under, or around barriers, seeking that target. You do not check for miss chance due to concealment, and your foe does not gain an AC bonus due to cover. If a guided spell misses on its initial attack, it persists for a number of rounds equal to 1/3 your level (rounded down), making another ranged touch attack on your turn each round against that target until it hits or the guided duration ends. If the target or you move out of the range of the spell, if the target gains total cover or concealment from your position, or if the line of effect for the spell is blocked, the guided spell immediately ends. You do not need to concentrate on a guided spell while it is attacking. A guided spell uses up a spell slot three levels higher than the spell's actual level.