
Half-Dragon Form

( Dragons of Ebberon, p. 15)

[Fighter Bonus Feat]

You can assume a half-dragon form, allowing you to retain some of the physical prowess of your true form while still being able to move among humans.


Sorcerer level 5, ability to assume humanoid form, True dragon,


You can expend a use of your alternate form ability to take the form of a Medium or smaller humanoid with the half-dragon template. You also gain the following abilities:

  • +4 natural armor.
  • Size: based on humanoid kind.
  • Natural weapons: two claws (1d4 for a Medium creature, 1d3 for Small) and one bite (1d6 for a Medium creature, 1d4 for Small).
  • Breath weapon: You can use your usual breath weapon. However, the area of the effect is determined as if you were a dragon of your current size, and damage is limited to a maximum of 12 dice.
  • Physical abilities are set to Strength 18, Dexterity 10, Constitution 12. These are modified by the standard racial modifiers of the apparent race.


The alternate form ability cannot be used to take the shape of templated creatures.