Warning: This is 3.0 Edition material. It is possible that there is more recent 3.5 Edition version.

Ranged Inspiration

( Epic Level Handbook, p. 65)


You can use your bardic music at a greater range than normal.


Perform 25 ranks, Bardic music class feature,


Double the range of any bardic music ability that has a range. For instance, you can use countersong to protect creatures within 60 feet of you (rather than 30 feet); you can fascinate a creature up to 180 feet away; and you can inspire competence or greatness in an ally up to 60 feet away. (If the creature must hear the bard to be affected by the ability, that requirement doesn't change regardless of any extended range the bard's ability may have.) SPECIAL: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack. Remember that two doublings equals a tripling, and so forth.