Warning: This is 3.0 Edition material. It is possible that there is more recent 3.5 Edition version.

Corrupt Arcane Studies

( Ghostwalk, p. 29)


You have dabbled in strange magic that has increased your power but adversely affected your mind.


non-good alignment, Sorcerer or wizard level 3rd,


Add a +1 bonus to the DC for all sorcerer and wizard spells you cast. You get a +1 bonus on all caster level checks to overcome spell resistance with your sorcerer and wizard spells.


Your magical research has taken its toll on your mind. When you acquire this feat, your Wisdom score is immediately reduced by 2 points. Restorative spells (such as restoration or greater restoration) do not reverse this Wisdom loss.

Part of the damage to your mind has resulted in behavioral changes. You develop a fixation for dressing in black and gray clothing. If at least three-fourths of what you are clothed in is not black or gray, you lose the bonus to your DCs, but still suffer the reduction in Wisdom.

You are often plagued by horrible nightmares. Every night, you must succeed on a Wisdom check (DC 10 + 1 per day since your last bout of nightmares) to stave off these dark visions. If you fail this check, you are unable to prepare arcane spells for 24 hours.