Feats in Libris Mortis: The Book of the Dead
Feat name | Short description | Rulebook |
Fell Weaken | Living foes damaged by your spell are also weakened. | Libris Mortis: The Book of the Dead |
Ghost Scarred | You are adept at fi ghting incorporeal undead. | Libris Mortis: The Book of the Dead |
Ghostly Grasp | You can handle corporeal objects even while incorporeal. | Libris Mortis: The Book of the Dead |
Graft Flesh | You can apply a certain type of grafts to other ... | Libris Mortis: The Book of the Dead |
Hardened Flesh | Undead you raise or create can better handle themselves in ... | Libris Mortis: The Book of the Dead |
Heighten Turning | You can affect more powerful undead with your turning or ... | Libris Mortis: The Book of the Dead |
Improved Energy Drain | You draw extra power from your energy-drained victims. | Libris Mortis: The Book of the Dead |
Improved paralysis | You are better at paralyzing your victims. | Libris Mortis: The Book of the Dead |
Improved Toughness | You are signifi cantly tougher than normal. | Libris Mortis: The Book of the Dead |
Improved Turn Resistance | You have a better than normal chance to resist turning. | Libris Mortis: The Book of the Dead |
Lasting Life | You can shed negative levels with an act of will. | Libris Mortis: The Book of the Dead |
Lawful Discipline | Your orderly mind allows you to overcome magical coercion more ... | Libris Mortis: The Book of the Dead |
Life Drain | You drain additional life energy from your foes. | Libris Mortis: The Book of the Dead |
Lifebond | Select a specifi c living creature that is friendly to ... | Libris Mortis: The Book of the Dead |
Lifesense | You see the light that all living creatures emit. | Libris Mortis: The Book of the Dead |
Mother Cyst | You gain the ability to cast necrotic cyst spells by ... | Libris Mortis: The Book of the Dead |
Necromantic Might | Undead you control gain benefi ts when they are near ... | Libris Mortis: The Book of the Dead |
Necromantic Presence | Undead you control are harder to turn when they are ... | Libris Mortis: The Book of the Dead |
Necropotent | Your special melee or ranged attack with one type of ... | Libris Mortis: The Book of the Dead |
Necrotic Reserve | You are not immediately destroyed when your hit points fall ... | Libris Mortis: The Book of the Dead |