
Strong Soul

( Player's Guide to Faerûn, p. 44)


You possess an innate resistance to fell magic and supernatural attack s. The souls o f your p eople a re d iffi cult to separate from their bodies.


Dwarf (Oldonnar), elf (Elven Court and Silverymoon), g nome ( Underdark [Northdark] o r t he W estern Heartlands), half-elf (Dambrath, the Dalelands, or Silverymoon), halfl ing (Channath Vale or Luiren), or human (the Moonshae Isles),


You gain a +1 bonus on all Fortitude and Will saves. Against death effects, energy drain, and ability drain attacks, this bonus increases to +3.


You may select this feat only as a 1st-level character. You may have only one regional feat.

Also appears in

  1. Oriental Adventures
  2. Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting