Warning: This is 3.0 Edition material. It is possible that there is more recent 3.5 Edition version.

Quicken Spell-Like Ability

( Savage Species, p. 38)


You can use a spell-like ability with a moment's thought.


Spell-like ability caster level 8th,


Choose one of your spell-like abilities, subject to the restrictions described below. You can use that ability as a quickened spell-like ability three times per day (or less, if the ability is normally usable only once or twice per day). Quicken Spell-Like Ability Spell Caster Level Level to Quicken. 0 ------- 8th. 1st ---- 10th. 2nd --- 12th. 3rd ---- 14th. 4th ---- 16th. 5th ---- 18th. 6th ---- 20th. 7th----- --. 8th ----- --. 9th ----- --. Using a quickened spell-like ability is a free action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. You can perform another action--including the use of another spell-like ability--in the same round that you use a quickened spelllike ability. You may use only one quickened spell-like ability per round. You can only select a spell-like ability duplicating a spell with a level less than or equal to one-half your caster level (round down), -4. See the table below. For example, a creature that uses its spell-like abilities as a 15th-level caster can only quicken spell-like abilities duplicating spells of 3rd level or lower. In addition, a spell-like ability that duplicates a spell with a casting time greater than 1 full round cannot be quickened.


This feat can be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken, you can apply it to another one of your spell-like abilities.


Normally the use of a spell-like ability requires a standard action and provokes an attack of opportunity unless noted otherwise.

Also appears in

  1. Monster Manual IV
  2. Book of Vile Darkness
  3. Monster Manual II
  4. Monster Manual III
  5. Monster Manual v.3.5
  6. Monster Manual V