Warning: This is 3.0 Edition material. It is possible that there is more recent 3.5 Edition version.


(Book of Vile Darkness)

Level: Assassin 1, Bard 2, Cleric 2, Sorcerer 2, Wizard 2,
Components: V, S, Drug
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: One living creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

The caster gives the subject an addiction to a drug (see the Drugs section of Chapter 3 for descriptions of drugs and information on addiction).
A caster of less than 5th level can force the subject to become addicted to any drug with a low addiction rating.
A 6th- to 10th-level caster can force addiction to any drug with a medium addiction rating, and an 11th- to 15th-level caster can force addiction to a drug with a high addiction rating.
Casters of 16th level or higher can give the subject an addiction to a drug with an extreme addiction rating.
Drug Component: The chosen drug for the addiction.