Warning: This is 3.0 Edition material. It is possible that there is more recent 3.5 Edition version.

Lahm's Finger Darts

(Book of Vile Darkness)

Transmutation [Evil]
Level: Corrupt 2
Components: V, S, Corrupt,
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target: Up to five creatures, no two of which can be more than 15 ft. apart
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

The caster's finger becomes a dangerous projectile that flies from her hand and unerringly strikes its target.
The dart deals 1d4 points of Dexterity damage.
Creatures without fingers cannot cast this spell.
The dart strikes unerringly, even if the target is in melee or has partial cover or concealment.
Inanimate objects (locks, doors, and so forth) cannot be damaged by the spell.
For every three caster levels beyond 1st, the caster gains an additional dart by losing an additional finger: two at 4th level, three at 7th level, four at 10th level, and the maximum of five darts at 13th level or higher.
If the caster shoots multiple darts, she can have them strike a single creature or several creatures.
A single dart can strike only one creature.
The caster must designate targets before checking for spell resistance or damage.
Fingers lost to this spell grow back when the corruption cost is healed, at the rate of one finger per point of Strength damage healed.
Corruption Cost: 1 point of Strength damage per dart, plus the loss of one finger per dart.
A hand with one or no fingers is useless.