
Mind of the Labyrinth

(Dragon Magic)

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Sorcerer 8, Wizard 8,
Components: V, S,
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 hour/level or until expended

As you close your eyes to mere slits, a black miasma of energy floats around your head, sucking in light and the stray minds of others.

You twist your mind to become a magical labyrinth, bewildering unsuspecting spellcasters. If an enemy casts a mind-affecting spell or ability that targets you, the enemy becomes confused for 1 round, disoriented by the mazelike confines of your consciousness. (This confusion occurs whether or not the spell successfully affects you). A successful Will save (DC 18 + your Int modifier) negates this effect and renders that foe immune to this casting of the spell.

Furthermore, while mind of the labyrinth is active, you can use an immediate action to activate a dominate person effect (as the spell, except that the duration is 1 hour) on one humanoid who casts a mind-affecting spell on you. Doing so ends the duration of mind of the labyrinth, though the dominate person effect lasts for 1 hour thereafter.

Special: A character who learns this spell gains a +1 competence bonus on Bluff checks.