Soul of Light
(Dragon Magic)Transmutation [Good]
Level: Paladin 2, Cleric 3,
Components: V, S,
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 hour
Bright, clear light sprouts from your body, quickly flaring before fading to a faint white pulse. This spell infuses your body with energy drawn from the Positive Energy Plane, making it easier to repair injuries.
Whenever you cast or are the target of a conjuration (healing) spell, you can choose for the spell to heal a number of extra points of damage equal to twice the spell's level.
If such a spell heals at least 10 points of damage, it also removes the fatigued condition from the target (or reduces exhaustion to fatigue).
If soul of light and soul of anarchy are active on you at the same time, you gain damage reduction 3/evil or lawful.
If soul of light and soul of order are active on you at the same time, you gain damage reduction 3/chaotic or evil.
Soul of light counters and dispels soul of shadow, and vice versa.
Special: A good-aligned dragon capable of casting 5th-level sorcerer spells can cast this spell as a swift action.