
Precipitate Breach

(Planar Handbook)

Conjuration (Teleportation)
Level: Sorcerer 5, Wizard 5,
Components: V, M,
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: 0 ft.
Effect: Planar breach; see text
Duration: See text
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

You meddle with the boundaries between planes, creating instability and, finally, a minor planar breach.
See Planar Breaching, page 151, for details concerning this phenomenon.
You have no control over the breach created.
However, as opposed to a truly random breach (see page 153), when this spell is first cast in any area that doesn't already contain a breach, a minor breach forms automatically.
The breach has the size (10d10-foot radius) and onset time following casting (1d4 rounds) described for a random breach.
Roll on Table 7-1: Random Planar Breaching, page 152, to determine the trait that leaks through from the breaching plane.
The effect is as for a minor breach.
The breach has a standard duration for a minor breach (1d6 days minus 12 hours, minimum 12 hours), after which time it fades away.
If you cast precipitate breach into an area that currently hosts a minor breach, you precipitate a severe breach.
Reroll the size, the onset time, and the trait that leaks through from the breaching plane (which could mean that the identity of the breaching plane changes).
The effect is as for a severe breach.
The breach has a standard duration for a severe breach (1d6 days minus 48 hours, minimum 1 hour), after which time it fades away.
This spell has no effect if cast into an area currently hosting a severe or complete breach.
Material Component: Jade dust worth 250 gp sprinkled in the center of the effect.