
Feat Category – General

Feat name Short description Rulebook
Theocrat You have the delicate touch needed to maintain the favor ... Races of Faerun
Thrall Bred You were spawned in the breeding pits of the mind ... Lords of Madness
Throw Anything In your hands, any weapon becomes a deadly ranged weapon. Sword and Fist: A Guidebook to Monks and Fighters
Throw Anything In your hands, any weapon becomes a deadly ranged weapon. Complete Warrior
Thug Your people know how to get the jump on the ... Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
Thunder Twin You are one of the dwarven generation of twins born ... Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
Thunderclap You create a cone of deafening sound by clapping two ... Savage Species
Tiger Blooded The Tiger Claw discipline teaches students to mimic the rampant, ... Tome of Battle: The Book of Nine Swords
Tomb-Born Fortitude The power of undeath taints you, body and soul. Its ... Libris Mortis: The Book of the Dead
Tomb-Born Resilience The power of undeath taints you, deadening your mind and ... Libris Mortis: The Book of the Dead
Tomb-Born Vitality The power of undeath taints you, body and soul. Its ... Libris Mortis: The Book of the Dead
Tomb-Tainted Soul Your soul is tainted by the foul touch of undeath. Libris Mortis: The Book of the Dead
Toothed Blow You are able to hammer your foes more effectively underwater. Stormwrack
Totem Companion Instead of an animal companion, you have your totem magical ... Eberron Campaign Setting
Touch of Benevolence Despite your evil alignment, you are prone to moments of ... Champions of Ruin
Touch of Captivation You are sakah, and your fiendish gift allows you to ... Player's Guide to Eberron
Touch of Deception You are sakah, and your fiendish gift allows you to ... Player's Guide to Eberron
Touch of Silver Your devotion to the Silver Flame allows you to burn ... Faiths of Eberron
Touch of Summoning You are sakah, and your fiendish gift allows you to ... Player's Guide to Eberron
Touch Spell Specialization You deal extra damage with touch spells. Complete Arcane