
Feat Category – General

Feat name Short description Rulebook
Touchstone You forge a link with a power-rich location, referred to ... Sandstorm
Toughening Transmutation Casting a transmutation spell briefly transforms your skin or that ... Complete Mage
Toughness You are tougher than normal. Player's Handbook v.3.5
Tower Shield Proficiency You are proficient with tower shields. Player's Handbook v.3.5
Track You can follow the trails of creatures and characters across ... Player's Handbook v.3.5
Trample You are trained in using your mount to knock down ... Player's Handbook v.3.5
Trap Engineer You have spent a great deal of time studying trap ... Dungeonscape
Trap Sensitivity Your senses are so attuned that you can detect mechanical ... Dungeonscape
Trap Warden Your dragonmark allows you to sense, avert, and disarm traps ... Dragonmarked
Trapmaster You have studied the funereal architecture and lethal traps of ... Lost Empires of Faerun
Treefriend You are adapted to a forest environment. Savage Species
Treetopper Your people are at home in the trees and high ... Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
Tremendous Charge You know how to use your mount's power to make ... Dragonlance Campaign Setting
Trophy Collector A belt of minotaur fur, a hood of cloaker wing-skin, ... Player's Handbook II
True Believer Your deity rewards your unquestioning faith and devotion. Magic Item Compendium
Truebond Your bond to your chosen item becomes stronger. Dungeon Master's Guide II
Truename Rebuttal You are particularly good at negating other truenamers" power with ... Tome of Magic
Truename Research You have a knack tor uncovering the personal truenames of ... Tome of Magic
Truename Training Unlike most of your peers, you have discovered the secret ... Tome of Magic
Trustworthy Others feel comfortable telling you their secrets. Song and Silence: A Guidebook to Bards and Rogues