
Primary Contact

( CityScape, p. 61)


Your rapport with one of your contacts is stronger than your relationship with the rest.


Favored (Ci) ,


When you gain this feat, select one of your existing contacts to be named your primary contact. Choose one skill associated with the organization to which your contact belongs. You gain 1 bonus rank in that skill (even if doing so would put you above your normal maximum ranks for that skill). In addition, you can double the frequency with which you can call upon your primary contact for no-charge favors. For example, if your primary contact normally provides its no-charge favor once per month, you can now call upon that favor twice per month.


This feat cannot be taken more than once. If the primary contact associated with this feat dies or is otherwise removed from the campaign, the DM can, at his discretion, either replace that contact with a new contact from the same organization or allow you to name one of your other contacts as your primary contact. In either event, you do not gain the bonus skill rank a second time, but neither do you lose it just because your contact has left the campaign.