
Dual Strike

( Complete Adventurer, p. 108)

[Fighter Bonus Feat, General]

You are an expert skirmisher skilled at fighting with two weapons. Your extensive training with two weapons allows you to attack with both while moving through a chaotic combat or fighting a running battle.


Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (PH) , Two-Weapon Fighting (PH) ,


As a standard action, you can make a melee attack with your primary weapon and your off-hand weapon. Both attacks use the same attack roll to determine success, using the worse of the two weapons' attack modifiers. If you are using a one-handed or light weapon in your primary hand and a light weapon in your off hand, you take a -4 penalty on this attack roll; otherwise you take a -10 penalty. Each weapon deals its normal damage. Damage reduction and other resistances apply separately against each weapon attack.


When you make this attack, you apply precision- based damage (such as from sneak attack) only once. If you score a critical hit, only the weapon in your primary hand deals extra critical hit damage; your offhand weapon deals regular damage. A fighter may select Dual Strike as one of his fighter bonus feats.

Also appears in

  1. Sword and Fist: A Guidebook to Monks and Fighters