
Primitive Caster

( Frostburn, p. 49)


You use screeches, wild gesticulations, and extra material components to give your spells additional power.



This feat only functions when you cast a spell that does not already have a verbal, somatic, or material component. For each component you voluntarily add, you increase the effective caster level of the spell by +1. You can only add a component that's not already present in the spell. For example, you can't add a somatic component to a gaseous form spell, because it already has one. You could add a verbal component, however. The verbal component you add consists of animalistic shouts, screams, and growls. The DC of Listen checks to hear you cast a spell is -5 (before modifying for distance). The somatic component is also more complex, so you must have two hands free to add a somatic component with this feat. The extra material component you add with this feat must be a rare plant found in the frostfell, which requires a successful DC 15 Profession (herbalist) check to locate. This feat originally appeared in Races of Faer?n.

Also appears in

  1. Races of Faerun