Warning: This is 3.0 Edition material. It is possible that there is more recent 3.5 Edition version.

Breathing Link

( Races of Faerun, p. 161)


You can allow a person adjacent to you to breathe water.


Base Will save +2, aquatic elf or water genasi,


As a free action on your turn, you may select one creature within 5 feet of you and give that creature the ability to breathe water as easily as you do. This supernatural ability renews automatically for that creature until you direct the ability to another creature or withdraw your power from it (a free action). The creature's ability to breathe water ends immediately if you are separated by more than 5 feet or if you die, at which point the creature begins to drown if it is still underwater. This ability does not hamper the creature's ability to breathe air, nor does it change the creature's ability (or inability) to swim.


You may select this feat more than once. Each time you take this feat, you may affect an additional creature with this ability. All such creatures need to remain within 5 feet of you (not each other). If one creature exceeds the range of this ability, it has no effect on the other creatures you are helping.

Also appears in

  1. Stormwrack