
Fling Enemy

( Races of Stone, p. 140)


When you're wrestling a foe, you can lift him into the air and hurl him.


STR 19, Rock Hurling or racial ability to throw rocks, size Large or larger (goliaths qualify by virtue of their powerful build racial trait),


When you're grappling a foe, you can fl ing that foe away from you with a successful grapple check. Flinging the enemy requires a standard action. For every 5 points by which your grapple check beats your foe's grapple check or Escape Artist check, you can throw that foe 10 feet. Your foe lands prone in the square you designate. You can't throw a foe farther than you could throw an ally (as described in the Fling Ally feat). You must be strong enough to lift an enemy over your head (the enemy's weight cannot exceed your character's maximum load) to throw him. See page 162 of the Player's Handbook for more information on carrying capacity and maximum load. The enemy does not provoke attacks of opportunity for this movement.

Also appears in

  1. Savage Species