

( Races of the Wild, p. 153)


You can gain an extra advantage when you and your allies can gang up on a foe.


Dodge (PH) , Mobility (PH) , Spring Attack (PH) , DEX 15, base attack bonus +6,


You can use the following maneuvers with this feat. Distract Foe: You begin this maneuver when you and at least one ally flank a foe. On the first round, you and your allies gain normal flanking bonuses (+2 on attack rolls). Starting in the second round that you and at least one ally flank a foe, you can make a ferocious attack that forces the foe to concentrate on you and largely ignore your allies. You make a melee attack as a full-round action. If you hit, you make a special Bluff check as a free action; the damage your attack dealt applies as a bonus on your check. The foe you attack opposes your attack with a special Sense Motive check, adding her base attack bonus to the check. If you win the opposed check, your foe turns her attention to you, and each of your allies who are in position to give you a flanking bonus can make an attack of opportunity against that foe. Drive Back: To use this maneuver, you and at least one ally must threaten the same foe, and at least one of those allies must use the aid another action to assist your attack roll. You make a melee attack as a full-round action. If you hit, you make a free bull rush attempt without moving into the defender's space or provoking attacks of opportunity. Resolve the bull rush normally, except that you add the damage your attack dealt as a bonus on the Strength check you make to resolve the bull rush. You can't push an opponent back more than 5 feet with this maneuver. Gang Dodge: This maneuver allows you to use the aid another action to assist all allies who threaten the same foe you target with the action. You use a standard action as normal to aid an ally's defense (see the Aid Another special attack, page 154 of the Player's Handbook). If you succeed, all your allies who threaten your foe gain a +2 bonus to AC against that foe's attacks until the beginning of your next turn, provided that you continue to threaten that foe for that time.