Warning: This is 3.0 Edition material. It is possible that there is more recent 3.5 Edition version.

Stop Heart

(Book of Vile Darkness)

Necromancy [Evil]
Level: Assassin 4, Cleric 4, Sorcerer 5, Wizard 5,
Components: S, Drug
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Area: One living humanoid or animal
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

Channeling hatred and spite, the caster calls upon dark power to give the subject a massive heart attack.
The subject suddenly drops to -8 hit points, then -9 hit points at the end of this round.
If someone immediately makes a successful Heal check (DC 15) or somehow gives the subject more hit points, she stabilizes.
Otherwise, at the end of the next round, the subject reaches -10 hit points and dies.
Drug Component: Baccaran.