
Rejuvenation Cocoon

(Complete Divine)

Conjuration (Healing)
Level: Druid 5,
Components: V, S, M,
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Willing creature touched
Duration: 2 rounds
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

With this spell, you create a temporary cocoon of energy around a creature you touch that provides healing and a measure of protection.
When you cast the spell, the cocoon forms around the target.
The glowing, yellow-green cocoon is made of force, but it is somewhat flexible and responds to pressure from the inside of the cocoon.
The cocoon initially forms a few inches from the target, but deforms enough to allow the target to reach into a backpack, cast a spell with a somatic component, draw a weapon, or perform similar actions.
The target can't move from the space it is in while cocooned, however.
Nor can it leave the rejuvenation cocoon early without using teleportation magic or dealing enough damage to destroy the cocoon.
The cocoon has hardness 10 and 10 hit points per caster level.
If it is destroyed, the spell ends.
One round after the cocoon forms, it heals the target of 10 points of damage per caster level and purges the target of poison and disease.
At the end of the second round, the rejuvenation cocoon dissipates and the target emerges, able to move and act freely.
Material Component: Cocoon from a butterfly.

Also appears in

  1. Spell Compendium