
Spells with Mind-Affecting descriptor

Spell name Spell School Rulebook Effect Duration Range Components Casting Time
Know Motivation Divination OA Concentration, up to 1 minute/level (D) 60 ft. V, S, AF, 1 action
Lastai's Caress Enchantment BE 1 round/level Touch V, S, M, 1 standard action
Lionheart Abjuration Sc_ 1 round/level Touch V, S, M, 1 standard action
Lionheart Abjuration MH 1 round/level Touch V, S, M, 1 standard action
Love's Lament Enchantment CR Instantaneous 60 ft. V, 1 standard action
Love's Lament Enchantment Sc_ Instantaneous 60 ft. V, 1 standard action
Love's Pain Evocation BV Instantaneous Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) V, S, Corrupt, 1 action
Lullaby Enchantment PH Concentration + 1 round/level (D) Medium(100 ft. + 10 ft./level) V, S, 1 standard action
Lullaby Enchantment SaS Concentration (see text) plus 1 round/level Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) V, S, AF, 1 action
Maddening Scream Enchantment CD 1d4+1 rounds Touch V, 1 standard action
Maddening Scream Enchantment DF 1d4+1 rounds Touch V, One action
Maddening Scream Enchantment DD 1d4+1 rounds Touch V, One action
Maddening Scream Enchantment LoM 1d4+1 rounds Touch V, 1 standard action
Maddening Scream Enchantment Sc_ 1d4+1 rounds Touch V, 1 standard action
Maddening Whispers Enchantment Dr 1 round/level Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) V, 1 round
Maddening Whispers Enchantment Sc_ 1 round/level Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) V, 1 round
Mandragora Enchantment MW 1 round/level 15 ft. V, S, M, 1 action
Manifest Desire Illusion HH Concentration + 3 rounds Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) V, S, 1 standard action
Manifest Nightmare Illusion HH Concentration + 3 rounds Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) V, S, 1 standard action
Manifestation of the Deity Illusion CS 1 round/3 levels (D) Personal V, S, DF, 1 swift action