Bard level 5 spells
More spell levels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Spell name | Spell School | Rulebook | Effect | Duration | Range | Components | Casting Time |
Blink, Greater | Transmutation | CAr | 1 round/level (D) | Personal | V, S, | 1 standard action | |
Blink, Greater | Transmutation | Sc_ | 1 round/level (D) | Personal | V, S, | 1 Standard Action | |
Blink, Improved | Transmutation | CD | 1 round/level (D) | Personal | V, S, | 1 standard action | |
Body Harmonic | Transmutation | Sc_ | Concentration, up to 1 round/level | Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./ level) | V, S, AF, | 1 Standard Action | |
Bolts of Bedevilment | Enchantment | Sc_ | 1 round/level | Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./ level) | V, S, | 1 Standard Action | |
Boreal Wind | Evocation | Fr | 1 round + 1 round/2 levels | Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level) | V, S, DF, | 1 standard action | |
Cacophonic Burst | Evocation | SS | Instantaneous | Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level) | V, S, | 1 action | |
Cacophonic Burst | Evocation | Sc_ | Instantaneous | Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level) | V, S, | 1 standard action | |
Channeled Sound Blast | Evocation | CM | Instantaneous | See text | V, S, | See text | |
Cloak of Hate | Enchantment | HH | 1 day/level | Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) | V, S, M, DF, | 1 standard action | |
Cure Light Wounds, Mass | Conjuration | PH | Instantaneous | Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) | V, S, | 1 standard action | |
Dancing Blade | Transmutation | PH2 | 1 round/level | Touch | V, S, AF, | 1 standard action | |
Dimension Jumper | Conjuration | CM | 1 round/level | Personal | V, | 1 swift action | |
Discordant Malediction | Transmutation | CM | 24 hours | Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) | V, S, | 1 standard action | |
Dispel Magic, Greater | Abjuration | PH | |||||
Dominate Person Or Ghost | Enchantment | Gh | None | None | None | ||
Dragonmark Demesne | Evocation | Dra | 2 hours/level (D) | 0 ft. | V, S, Dragonmark | 1 standard action | |
Dragonsight | Transmutation | Dr | 1 minute/level (D) | Personal | V, S, AF, | 1 standard action | |
Dragonsight | Transmutation | Sc_ | 1 hour/level (D) | Personal | V, S, AF, | 1 standard action | |
Dream | Illusion | PH | See text | Unlimited | V, S, | 1 minute |