Sorcerer level 4 spells

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Spell name Spell School Rulebook Effect Duration Range Components Casting Time
Abate Dracorage Abjuration DrF 1 day/level; see text Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) V, S, 1 round
Aboleth Curse Necromancy Sto Permanent Touch V, S, M, 1 standard action
Abyssal Might Conjuration BV 10 minutes/level Personal V, S, M, Demon 1 action
Acid Orb Evocation TB Instantaneous Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) V, S, 1 action
Aerial Alacrity Transmutation RW 1 minute/level (D) Personal V, 1 swift action
Affliction Necromancy BE Instantaneous Touch V, S, 1 standard action
Aggravate Dracorage Enchantment DrF 1 round/level Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) V, S, 1 standard action
Animate Dead Necromancy PH Instantaneous Touch V, S, M, 1 standard action
Antidragon Aura Abjuration Dr 1 minute/level Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) V, S, M, DF, 1 standard action
Arcane Eye Divination PH 1 min./level (D) Unlimited V, S, M, 10 minutes
Arcane Seal Abjuration Sh Permanent Touch V, S, AF, 1 standard action
Aspect of the Icy Hunter Transmutation CM 1 round/level (D) Personal V, S, 1 swift action
Assay Resistance Divination CAr 1 round/level Personal V, S, 1 swift action
Assay Spell Resistance Divination Sc_ 1 round/level Personal V, S, 1 swift action
Attune Form Transmutation MP 2 hours/level (see text) Touch V, S, M, DF, 1 action
Attune Form Transmutation PlH 2 hours/level (see text) Touch V, S, M, DF, 1 standard action
Attune Form Transmutation Sc_ 24 hours Touch V, S, M, DF, 1 standard action
Backlash Transmutation Mag Permanent or until discharged Touch V, S, 1 action
Backlash Transmutation Sc_ 10 min./level or until discharged Touch V, S, 1 standard action
Baleful Blink Transmutation PH2 1 round/level Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) V, 1 standard action