
Dragonfire Strike

( Dragon Magic, p. 18)


You can call upon your innate draconic power to augment certain weapon attacks.


CHA 11, dragonblood subtype, one of these class features: skirmish, sneak attack, or sudden strike,


When you gain extra damage from a sneak arrack, sudden strike, or skirmish, you can choose for the extra damage to be fire damage. If you apply this effect, increase the extra damage dealt by ld6 points. Make this choice for each attack after it is resolved bur before damage is dealt. This is a supernatural ability.


If you have the Draconic Heritage feat or if you are a half-dragon, the extra damage is of the energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) that corresponds to your heritage or your draconic parent instead. If your feat or your parent is not associated with one of these energy types, this feat has no effect for you.