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Chondathan Missionary

( Races of Faerun, p. 162)


Your training has emphasized spells that help you spread the word of your faith.


ability to cast divine spells, Chondathan human,


You gain +1 caster level when casting a spell from the list below, or +2 caster level if you're actually using the spell to proselytize to a reasonably receptive audience (indifferent attitude or better). The tradition of the Chondathan missionary consists of the following spells at the appropriate levels: 0--purify food and drink; 1st--bless, sanctuary; 2nd--calm emotions, consecrate, enthrall; 3rd--prayer, remove disease; 4th--discern lies, tongues; 5th--atonement, hallow; 6th--heroes' feast; 7th--resurrection; 8th--mass heal; 9th--miracle.