
Spells in Tiger Claw

Spell name Spell School Rulebook Effect Duration Range Components Casting Time
Blood in the Water Tiger Claw ToB Stance Personal 1 swift action
Claw at the Moon Tiger Claw ToB Melee attack 1 standard action
Dancing Mongoose Tiger Claw ToB End of turn Personal 1 swift action
Death from Above Tiger Claw ToB Melee attack 1 standard action
Feral Death Blow Tiger Claw ToB Melee attack 1 full-round action
Flesh Ripper Tiger Claw ToB 1 round or more; see text Melee attack 1 standard action
Fountain of Blood Tiger Claw ToB 1 minute 30 ft. 1 swift action
Girallon Windmill Flesh Rip Tiger Claw ToB End of turn Melee attack 1 swift action
Hamstring Attack Tiger Claw ToB 1 minute Melee attack 1 standard action
Hunter's Sense Tiger Claw ToB Stance Personal 1 swift action
Leaping Dragon Stance Tiger Claw ToB Stance Personal 1 swift action
Pouncing Charge Tiger Claw ToB Personal 1 full-round action
Prey on the Weak Tiger Claw ToB Stance Personal 1 swift action
Rabid Bear Strike Tiger Claw ToB Melee attack 1 standard action
Rabid Wolf Strike Tiger Claw ToB Melee attack 1 standard action
Raging Mongoose Tiger Claw ToB End of turn Personal 1 swift action
Soaring Raptor Strike Tiger Claw ToB Melee attack 1 standard action
Sudden Leap Tiger Claw ToB Instantaneous Personal 1 swift action
Swooping Dragon Strike Tiger Claw ToB Melee attack 1 standard action
Wolf Climbs the Mountain Tiger Claw ToB Melee attack 1 full-round action