(Expedition to the Demonweb Pits variant, p. 172)
The jaunter is a consummate expert on travel who specializes in getting exactly where he wants to go — whether it's across the multiverse or just across the battlefield.
Skills: Knowledge (the planes) 4 ranks
Feats: Dodge , Mobility , Spring Attack
Special: Candidate must have visited two or more planes other than his home plane.
Hit die
Skill points
4 + Int
Class Features
Travel Power (Sp): You have the innate ability to relocate creatures—yourself, your allies, and eventually even your enemies. You can use your travel power a number of times per day equal to your jaunter level plus your Dexterity bonus (if any). As long as you have at least one daily use of your travel power remaining, you also gain a +1 bonus to your Armor Class.
Your travel powers are benign transposition, baleful transposition, teleport, and plane shift. Each of these abilities is described in a separate entry below. In addition, once you gain the travel power at 1st level, you can use scrolls and spell completion items that duplicate any of these powers.
Benign Transposition (Sp): You can spend one daily use of your travel power (see below) to cause two willing target creatures of up to Large size (yourself and another, or two others) to swap positions instantly. Both subjects must be within 100 feet of your position. Objects carried by the target creatures (up to their maximum loads) go with them, but other creatures do not, even if they are carried. The movement is instantaneous and does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Baleful Transposition (Sp): Beginning at 2nd level, you can spend one daily use of your travel power to cause two target creatures of up to Large size (yourself and another, or two others) to swap positions instantly. A solid object (such as the ground, a bridge, or a rope) must connect the target creatures, and both must be within 100 feet of your position. Objects carried by the target creatures (up to their maximum loads) go with them, but other creatures do not, even if they are carried. The movement is instantaneous and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. An unwilling target is entitled to a Will save (DC 10 + your jaunter level + your Int modifier) to negate this effect.
Fast Movement (Ex): When you reach 2nd level, your land speed increases by 10 feet. This benefit applies only when you are wearing no armor, light armor, or medium armor and are not carrying a heavy load.
Dimension Door (Sp): At 3rd level and higher, you can use dimension door as the spell to move up to 30 feet per day per jaunter level you possess. You need not move the entire distance at once; you can move in increments of 10 feet any number of times until the total distance has been traversed.
Teleport (Sp): Beginning at 3rd level, you can spend two daily uses of your travel power to use teleport as the spell.
Freedom of Movement (Su): When you attain 4th level, for 2 rounds per day per jaunter level you possess, you can act normally regardless of magical effects that impede movement, as if you were affected by a freedom of movement spell. This duration need not be consecutive; you can activate and end the effect as a swift action any number of times per day until the duration is used up.
Plane Shift (Sp): At 4th level, you can spend two daily uses of your travel power to use plane shift as the spell.
Level | BAB | Fort | Ref | Will | Special |
1st | +0 | +0 | +2 | +0 | Travel power, benign transposition |
2nd | +1 | +1 | +3 | +1 | Baleful transposition, fast movement |
3rd | +2 | +1 | +3 | +1 | Dimension door, teleport |
4th | +3 | +1 | +4 | +1 | Freedom of movement, plane shift |
Class skills
Skill name | Key ability | Trained only | Armor check penalty |
Balance | DEX | ||
Climb | STR | ||
Concentration | CON | ||
Escape Artist | DEX | ||
Hide | DEX | ||
Knowledge (the planes) | INT | ||
Listen | WIS | ||
Move Silently | DEX | ||
Speak Language | None | ||
Spot | WIS | ||
Survival | WIS | ||
Swim | STR | ||
Tumble | DEX |