
Phantasmal Thief

(Spell Compendium, p. 155)

Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Sorcerer 5, Wizard 5, Greed 8,
Components: V, S, M,
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: One invisible, mindless, shapeless thief
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

As you invoke this spell, the spool begins to spin, the thread vanishing as it unravels. There is a wrinkle of force that flashes briefly; then it evaporates, leaving only the promise of power behind.

An invisible force, not unlike the product of an unseen servant spell (PH 297), comes into being where you wish. On your turn, this force steals objects from others as you inaudibly direct it (a free action). A phantasmal thief can steal an object from a creature or can pick up an unattended object, as long as the object weighs no more than 1 pound per caster level. It cannot break into locked chests. A phantasmal thief has a Hide modifier (useful against those who can see invisible creatures) and a Move Silently modifier both equal to your caster level.

If a phantasmal thief goes undetected, it can steal any object a creature possesses but is not holding or wearing. Even objects in a bag of holding can be stolen. It can steal objects, bring objects to you, or put them back where they came from. It can take no other actions. A phantasmal thief needs 1 round to steal an object and another round to bring it to you.

A phantasmal thief can hold only one object at a time, and the object becomes invisible in its grasp. A thief cannot take an item if it is detected by the creature it's trying to steal from (with a Listen or Spot check). However, the thief can repeat the attempt in the next round. It cannot be harmed in any way, although it can be dispelled.

A phantasmal thief can steal an object from a creature's hand by making a successful disarm attempt. It does so with a bonus on the disarm check equal to your caster level. If a phantasmal thief is used in this way, it disappears after it brings the stolen object to you.

Material Component: A spool of green thread.

Also appears in

  1. Book of Vile Darkness
  2. Draconomicon